Giving back
We are committed to give back to communities that are less fortunate.
Every time we sell a product, acquire a new client or simply celebrate a milestone, something great happens in the world.
We are proud to be able to contribute to provide shelter for people in disaster-prone areas in South Africa. Poverty breeds a slum mentality, forcing the poor into survival mode where it’s every man for himself. At the heart of the community transformation is restoring dignity, and giving back the poor’s capacity to dream, starting with building them a home.
Most beneficiaries come from squatter, disaster-prone areas and danger zones and living in shanty, make-shift roofs. The project we support builds houses for disadvantaged families but it also gives them a home. These beneficiaries become part of a community where they are given values formation to ensure productive, harmonious living.
For every day we employ a resource for one of our clients, we provide housing for a person for a day.

In many African areas rain is a rare event and thus the locals often lack access to a water source. We support the construction of water infrastructure such as boreholes. Boreholes are sunk deep into the ground to reach the water table and are able to supply water for the locals and livestock throughout the year, creating a more sustainable lifestyle.
Boreholes are able to provide clean water to a village for up to ten years. A pump powered by solar panels is also installed which means there is no need to spend time pumping by hand. The water is pumped into the holding tanks and only requires turning on a tap!
The project started early in 2022 and we contributed by now for:
and counting.